ACTFL Copyright Permissions Policy

ACTFL Publications Department Official Policy for Obtaining Permission to Use ACTFL IP

Effective Date: Aug. 1, 2023


This Copyright Permission Policy ("Policy") sets forth the guidelines and procedures to obtain and grant permission for the use of copyrighted materials owned or controlled by ACTFL. This Policy outlines the process for requesting permission and the terms under which such permissions are granted. By using any copyrighted materials owned or controlled by ACTFL, you agree to abide by this Policy.

Request Permission

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this Policy is to protect ACTFL's copyrighted materials while allowing appropriate use by individuals and organizations for non-commercial, educational, and other lawful purposes, subject to the terms and conditions outlined herein.

2. Scope:

This Policy applies to all individuals, organizations, members, and non-members who seek to use the copyrighted materials owned or controlled by ACTFL.

3. Copyrighted Materials Covered:

The copyrighted materials covered by this Policy may include, but are not limited to, text, images, logos, videos, graphics, software, publications, and any other original content produced, owned, or published by ACTFL.

4. Permission Requests:

To obtain permission for the use of copyrighted materials owned or controlled by ACTFL, individuals or organizations must submit a written request using this form. The request should include the following information:

  • Name and contact details of the requester.
  • A detailed description of the copyrighted material(s) to be used, including the specific content, purpose, and intended use.
  • The intended audience or recipients of the material(s).
  • The requested duration of use.
  • Any additional information deemed necessary by ACTFL.

5. Review and Approval Process:

ACTFL staff will review each permission request promptly and assess its compliance with copyright laws, ethical considerations, and alignment with ACTFL's values and objectives. The review process may take up to three weeks from the date of receipt of the complete request.

6. Permission Grant and Conditions:

If ACTFL approves the permission request, the requester will be granted a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable license to use the copyrighted material(s) subject to the following conditions:

a. Proper Attribution: The requester must clearly attribute the copyrighted material(s) to ACTFL, citing the source appropriately as directed by the Association and including the phrase "licensed under agreement with ACTFL; © ACTFL."

b. Terms of Use: The copyrighted material(s) may only be used for non-commercial purposes, educational use, or other purposes explicitly approved by ACTFL.

c. Scope of Use: Permission is granted only for the specific use, purpose, and duration specified in the approved request. Any additional use beyond the scope must be subject to a separate request.

d. No Alterations: The requester shall not modify, adapt, or create derivative works based on the copyrighted material(s) without prior written consent from ACTFL.

e. Termination of Permission: ACTFL reserves the right to revoke the granted permission at any time.

7. Fee and Charges:

ACTFL may charge a reasonable fee for granting permission, depending on the nature of use and the resources involved in processing the request. The fee details will be provided to the requester upon approval of the request.

Fee schedule:

Non-profit or personal use (with no commercial sale)

No fee

Note: includes use in lecture slides or one-off, professor-made lecture handouts

Commercial textbook use (textbooks or associated materials published for sale to public)

$600Note: this is per article or graphic; Active ACTFL members receive 50% discount

8. Rights Reserved:

This Policy does not grant any intellectual property rights or ownership to the requester. All rights not expressly granted in this Policy remain the exclusive property of ACTFL.

9. Contact Information:

For inquiries, permission requests, or further information regarding this Policy, please contact:

Sherri Halloran,

10. Amendments to the Policy:

ACTFL reserves the right to update or amend this Policy as deemed necessary. Any changes to this Policy will be published on ACTFL's website and become effective immediately upon posting.

By using any copyrighted materials owned or controlled by ACTFL, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by this Copyright Permission Policy.